The Secret of Successful Personal Finance
Essential Methods To Personal Finance
As Ramsey reiterated on his radio show: “The money is gone and then you’re trying to look back and see where it went…instead you need to tell it where to go before it leaves.” There are many different healthy financial habits.) 2. Track spending (the old-fashioned way) If you’re interested in getting a grasp of where all your money goes, forget scanning your bank and credit card statements.
And Howard believes this path to a real-time view of how you’re spending your money is best done with a simple notepad. As he told U.S. News & World Report: “Take a spiral notebook…and write down everything you spend money on. The debit card has become the enemy of the person who doesn’t know where their money goes.
3. Move your credit card balance Nothing throws financial viability into a tailspin quite like unsecured credit card debt (especially with interest rates “north of 15%” ). It doesn’t even need to be an enormous debt amou...